Measurements & Other Topics

Instantaneous Frequency and Its Applications_2020_12, ASA Meeting, 2020.12,
2020.12 瞬時周波数とその応用,ASA Meeting, 2020.12,

2014.5_Improvement of Rotation Fluctuation Analysis Accuracy by Removing Effects of Relative Motions between a Gear and Nearby Sensors, JSAE, 2014.5,
2014.5 歯車とセンサとの間の相対振れの影響除去による回転変動解析精度の改善,JSAE, 2014.5,

2013.5_Improvement of Rotation Fluctuation Analysis Accuracies by Removing Harmonic Distortions of Rotation Pulse Signals, JSAE, 2012.5,
2013.5 回転パルス信号のひずみ成分除去による回転変動解析の精度改善,JSAE, 2013.5,

2013.1_Numerical evaluation of three-dimensional sound intensity measurement accuracies and a proposal for an error correction method, AST, 2013.1,
2013.1_3次元音響インテンシティ計測の精度評価と誤差補正の提案,AST, 2013.1,

2012.5_Rotation Fluctuation Analysis of Accelerating/Decelerating Gears Using Two Closely-located Sensors, JSAE, 2012.5,
2012.5_2センサ法を用いた回転上昇または下降時のギアの回転変動解析,JSAE, 2012.5,

2011.5_R&D in Acoustics:Unorthodox 47 year devotion, JASJ, 2011.7,
2011.7_異端の音響研究一筋47年,JASJ, 2011.7,

2011.5_An Accurate Measurement of Rotation Velocity-Eliminating Measurement Errors Caused by Gear Tooth Shape Unevenness, SAE NVH Conference 2011,
2011.5_回転速度の正確な測定方法 −歯の不整形による誤差の除去−,SAE,

2011.5_Recommendation on the standard definition of the discrete Fourier transform, AST,

2010.5_Analysis Accuracies of Frequency Fluctuations of Rotation Pulse Signals by the Analysic Signal Method, JSAE

2009.5_Instantaneous Rotation Frequency/Phase Measurement of a Rotor by the Analytic Signal Method -Analysis Precision Study Using a Rotation Detector Model-, SAEJ, 98-20095005,

2008.5_Reciprocity of Vibration and Sound, Vibration Control Handbook,
2008.5_、振動音響相反定理, 制振工学ハンドブック

2008.5_Curve fitting by a pole-zero model, Vibration Control Handbook,
2008.5_、極零モデルフィット法, 制振工学ハンドブック

2008.5_Actuation by Sound, Vibration Control Handbook,

2007.9_An accuracy evaluation of the sound power measurement by the use of the sound intensity and the sound pressure methods, AST, 28, 5, 319-1327

2007.9_Sound propagation and sound sources, Mechanical Engineering Handbook (to be published)
2007.9_波動伝播と音源(機械工学ハンドブック, 発刊予定)

2006.5_Instantaneous Frequencies of Signals Obtained by the Analytic Signal Method, AST, 27, 3, 163-166
2006.5_解析的信号法による信号の瞬時周波数,AST, 27, 3, 163-166

2002.4_Reciprocity theorem and its application in acoustics,JASJ, 58, 4, 239-243
2002.4_音響学における相反定理とその応用, 日本音響学会誌, 58, 4, 239-243

2002.8_Comparison of FRF curve fitting methods for the loss factor measurement, Internoise

2002_An Attempt to Reproduce Soseki Natsume's Voice from a Wax Cylinder Recording, Summary of Reports, Chiba Institute of Technology
2002_蝋管に記録された夏目漱石の音声再生の試み, 千葉工大紀要

2001.8_Equivalent sensing positions of a microphone probe, JASJ, 57, 8, 502-508
2001.8_マイクロホンプローブの実効受音位置, 日本音響学会誌, 57, 8, 502-508

2001.11_Curve fitting of frequency response functions by use of pole-zero models for the loss factormeasurement, AST, 22, 5, 344-350,

2001.9_Equivalent electrical circuits for lossfactor measurement, JASJ(E), 57, 4, 265-271
2001.9_損失係数測定のための等価電気回路モデル, 日本音響学会誌, 57, 4, 265-271

2000.11_A sensitivity correction method for a three-dimensional sound intensity probe, JASJ(E), 21,5, 259-265
2000.11_三次元インテンシティプローブの感度校正方法, JASJ(E)

2000.10_A measuring instrument for road surface absorption coefficients by use of a time-stretched pulse signal, Westprac 2000
2000.10_時間伸長パルスを用いた路面吸音率の計測方法, Westprac 2000

2000.5_Resonance frequencies and loss factors of various types of single-degree-of-freedom system, JASJ(E),21,3, 163-166

2000.4_Lossfactors at resonance and anti-resonances of a beam, JASJ(E), 56, 4, 249-254
2000.4_梁の共振および反共振における損失係数について, 日本音響学会誌, 56, 4, 249-254, 2000.4

1999_Quake resistance measurement system

1999.8_Reciprocity of electro-acoustic transducers, JASJ, 55,8, 560-562
1999.8_電気音響変換器の相反性について,日本音響学会誌, 55, 8, 560-562

1998.9_Diffraction of sound by two finite-length cascaded cylinders, JASJ(E), 19,4, 269-273

1996.12_Visualiczation of energy fields by use of sound and structural intensity methods, JSAJ, 52,12,991-996

1995.5_Microphone arrangement of multidimensional sound intensity probe, JSAJ, 51,5,411-414

1995.4_Performance evaluation of a three dimensional intensity probe, JASJ(E), 16,4, pp.269-273

1995.3_Diagnosis by sound, J. of IPSJ, 36,3,231-236
1995.3_音による診断,情報処理学会誌,IPSJ, 36,3,231-236

1992.9_1992-9_A transient vibration intensity analysis - Application of envelope intensity, MOVIC
1992.9_過渡振動へのエンベロープインテンシティの応用, MOVIC

1992.7_Measurement method of the pressure-residual intensity index, JASJ(E), 13, 4, 253-257

1991.9_Shear Modulus Profile Measurement of the Shallow-Water Seabed in Japan, GeoCoast 91
1991.9_日本の浅海での海底地盤せん断弾性率の測定, GeoCoast 91

1991_A basic study of envelope intensity, Proceedings of Internoise 1991, Vol.2

1990.10_Evaluation of transient sound by the envelope intensity, INCE-J Meeting
1990.10_エンベロープインテンシティによる過渡音の評価,INCE-J Meeting

1990.1_Seabed shear modulus measurement by use of gravity water waves,

1988.12_Time-frequency representation of signal by Wigner distribution, J-SAEJ

1988.12_Time-frequency analysis of signals by the Wigner distribution, Nikkei Electronics

1987.12_Automated sound intensity measurement system